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Soil Augers and Samplers
Royal Eijkelkamp has developed auger sampling equipment for every application in soil research. Years of experimenting with soil researchers has resulted in optimum auger types for different kinds of soil. This makes it possible to take a good and reliable sample for subsequent research.
Water Samplers
Royal Eijkelkamp offers a variety of water samplers for research, and to monitor various aspects of water and liquids. They can be used for sampling of surface water and other liquids in vessels and tanks.

Sludge and Sediment Samplers
Royal Eijkelkamp has created a wide range of sludge and sediment samplers. With these instruments it is possible to take samples from the bottom of canals, lakes, rivers, ditches, ports and near coasts. Various equipment for sediment related measurements (turbidity, water depth) is also included in our assortment.
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